1978 Il Clown è morto, evviva il Clown
The piece that formed the beginning of the Compagnia. Concieved on the theme of the circus for the Berliner Festwochen 1978.
Idea and direction: Dimitri
Music: Oliviero Giovannoni and Roberto Maggini
With the whole first graduating class of the Scuola Teatro Dimitri: David Matthäus Zurbuchen, Christiane Renfer, Miguel Angel Cienfuegos, Roberto Maggini, Hampi Gutjahr, Joe Sebastian Fenner, Kurt Mätzler, Enrico Tettamanti, Jost Tresch, Mathias Buckel, Patrick Gilly and the dancer Lisseth Aguilar and drummer Oliviero Giovannoni
This is the true story of Pinina and how she arrived in the traditional little Circus Pantaleone that performed in the old pantomime tradition. In a dream, circles and squares fight and Pinina meets a clown who guides her to the circus. The clown dies during a storm but the show must go on and so a replacement is found and life continues.