Fondazione Dimitri
Founded in 1981.
Excerpt from the Statute of the Fondazione Dimitri (2015)
The foundation aims - in accordance with the will of the founder Dimitri - to promote and support the management, either directly or through financial support and the provision of real estate, of the Teatro Dimitri, the Accademia Teatro Dimitri, the Museo Comico, the Casa del Clown, and the exhibition and congress activities related to the Centro Culturale Dimitri.
The Teatro Dimitri creates a movement theater, in the broadest sense of the term and in all its possible forms, characterized primarily by burlesque and comedic elements, which includes all artistic trends (music and singing, dance, pantomime, clown performances, circus, poetry, comedy, theater, commedia dell'arte) and organizes extraordinary performances, original productions, festivals, and themed evenings. The Teatro Dimitri is engaged in comic theater, Théatre Burlesque, Grand Guignol, comedy, dance theater, and silent theater. The spoken word plays a secondary role. The Teatro Dimitri nurtures and further develops the style of its founder Dimitri. The Teatro Dimitri is also the research center of the Accademia Teatro Dimitri. The Teatro Dimitri addresses the Ticinesi, the Swiss, and an international audience.
The foundation's assets consist mainly of real estate located in Verscio (Canton Ticino), owned by the Foundation. These properties are made available for the activities of the Centro Culturale Dimitri.